In these hard times due to Covid19 crisis I decided to make this project for free. Any support like sharing the video explanation on forums, facebook group, instagram post etc.. is heavily appreciated.
Video explanation : https://youtu.be/xyLY7kXKBOo
This Ableton project is heavily inspired by Ghost In The Machine producers.
The idea behind this project was to do something a little different...Having a "different" approach let's say... Giving you ideas on how to create nice "cinematic" inspired intro/outro for your track.
But as you can see in the project you can even use these ideas inside the track too, adding more variations and originality to your own productions.
We also shared the way to get punchy kick, heavy distorted sound, glitch sfx and other arrangement tips...
You need Ableton Live Suite 10.1 minimum to run the projects. You also need Izotope 8 and Max4live.
As most of the thing are created from scratch ( like the kick), and the session include the mastering chain too, the project is heavy cpu-consuming as nothing have been freeze to let you understand how each part has been made from scratch.
To reduce that you can:
-freeze both Kick and Kick hard track,
-freeze some of the Synth too,
-the two glitch effect track are heavy processing because of the Multiple OTT, you can freeze that too