These are the two Ableton Project Files I used in my videos to show my two instrument rack related to Afterlife's type of sound. The project come as they are shown in the videos below :
The first project is about recreating the main lead of Adriatique - Mystery (Tale Of Us and Mathame remix), you can find the video and see the project you will get here : https://youtu.be/LISEsY6ge7s
The second project is about recreating one of the synth present in Colynn - Resolve track, you can find the video and see the project you will get here : https://youtu.be/nCy__Jsieck
Keep in mind both instrument racks are available for free in their respective's video descriptions. Here you get the extra elements used to create the video (samples, midis, presets etc..)
You need Ableton Live Suite 10.1 minimum to run the projects. You only need Ableton, no third party plug in needed.